Sunday, June 20, 2010

A long overdue Father's Day thank you....

    He wrestles with the kids after dinner, gets them all wound up and wild right before bedtime- the highlight of their day.  He spends his Saturday night, after a long week of work, happily folding and folding and folding, as they all line up with paper in hand begging for just one more airplane.  He talks with them in their rooms as the sun sinks low in the sky outside the window, explaining why mommy got upset and what they should have done better after a rough day of punishments that just don’t seem fair.  He shares his ice cream, his popsicles, his cake with the already sticky demanding little faces that stand next to him mouths wide open and waiting for just one more bite of daddy’s dessert.  He leads the family prayers, lovingly tucks the big kids into their cozy bunk beds, kisses them good night, and then bathes the baby so I can have ten minutes to myself at night.  And all this, in addition to working two jobs to support 5 kids who are not always as grateful as they should be for the food on the table, clothes on their backs and their mommy home to care for them during the day.
    Neither the kids nor I say thank you often enough but today, on Father’s Day, I want to share with the world how grateful I really am for the wonderful man and fabulous father my husband is.  Thank you Tim for all you do to support our family.  Thank you for being such a devoted dad to the kids.  Thank you for being so much fun- playing with them, teasing them, making them laugh and smile, and, most importantly, making each of them feel special and loved.  Thank you for helping me out, with the day-to-day chaos and juggling act of caring for the kids and meeting their never-ending needs and demands, and for never forgetting that that is only a small part of our job of raising them to be good, holy people.  Thanks for being an awesome dad and the best husband ever!

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