Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy 15 years!

Today my wonderful husband and I celebrate 15 happy years of marriage.  There is so much I could say about the life we share and the love between us, which is truly a gift from God, but this song by Brooks and Dunn seems to say it more perfectly than I could (it is almost our story exactly except my father is most definitely not a farmer and we got engaged in my tiny studio apartment instead of a field)...


  1. I love the new photos on top!!

    Congratulations and God bless you (all!)

    My husband and I will celebrate 15 years this December.

  2. Congratulations to you and your husband! May God continue to shower His blessing upon you.

    I love your new header. All those adorable toes!

  3. Happy Anniversary!! It only gets better! God bless you and Tim!

  4. Thank you all so much, for the anniversary wishes and for the comments on my new header.... I am such a sucker for little hand prints, and little pink toes! I love them so much I rarely wash the full length mirror or windows, because I'd miss all those cute, smeary prints.... and NOT at all because I am lazy and hate to wash windows!

  5. Me too...I love your new photo atop too!!!

    Six Flags, baby! Got some great high school memories from Six Flags. We belonged to St. Claire of Assisi (literally lived in the subdivision behind the parish gymnasium---we mostly walked to church) where I rocked it as Secretary of CYC! :) We spent so many youth outings at Six Flags in Eureka!

    Anyway...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I knew it was coming up b/c you shared that you two were also an October wedding, but I thought I had missed it.

    Here's to 15 more...and then, of course, many more after that.

    God Bless!

  6. Valerie- Six Flags was my first job and was so much fun. I cannot tell you how many memories I have of that place! I am missing St. Louis so much this week- memories from "home" keep popping up all over the place. Maybe God is telling me to plan a trip back!?!?!?!?



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