Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Finally, some good news

    It was about 2 months ago now when Tim got the news that he was being “laid off” from his full time youth ministry position.  He was told he would have a job only until the end of July.  We were scared, not knowing how long it might take to find a new job, especially in the horrible job market we are experiencing.  But thankfully, he was able to find something else almost right away.  After just a few weeks of applying for any and every job he could find, after a ton of phone calls and quite a few interviews, he was offered the one job he really wanted.  The one job that wasn’t just, “well, this would work in the short term, to get us through until something better comes along.”  The one job he was actually excited about, and really, really cared about doing.
    So, in a few weeks, my husband will go from being a full time youth minister to being a middle school religion teacher.  He will still be blessed to work with young people.  He will still be able to share his faith with them and teach them about the beauty of the Catholic church.  He will still be able to support our family, paying the mortgage and putting food on the table with no break in income.  We are very blessed to have found gainful employment so quickly and so easily.  God is good and has provided as we knew He would.  But, I can’t help but wonder if the school even realizes how very blessed they are as well.  How lucky they are to have found such a wonderful new religion teacher.  How fortunate they are to have such a strong Catholic man to guide their students in learning about the teachings of our Faith.  How passionate he is about the subject matter and the importance of sharing it with the kids.  I’m not sure who is luckier, them or us, but I sure am glad we have found each other.  May we all be blessed abundantly by this next step in the journey of life.

1 comment:

  1. Kari, I am so thrilled to hear the news about your husband's job. It sounds a perfect job. And I am so pleased you are telling everyone what a great man your husband is. I often sing my husband's praises. And why not? We are so blessed. And it sounds like the school children will be very blessed too!

    I haven't caught up with your news for a while. Is it because you don't have a followers or subscribe button and I forget to check on new posts? I will have to have a good look around your blog. Oh yes, I must check if I have you in the sidebar of my own blog!

    God bless.



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