Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A search for St. Anthony of Padua

            Today is the feast day of St.Anthony of Padua.  I am excited because for our celebration of this feast I have put together a scavenger hunt for my children.  St. Anthony is the patron saint of lost things, so I thought a game of searching for things would be appropriate.  He also happens to be a very popular intercessor at our house.  Also, the kids love scavenger hunts, of any kind, for any occasion.   This one includes a few commonly lost items at our house, a few odds and ends, and some things that will teach them a little more about St. Anthony.  Here is a copy of the hunt they'll do:
Lost Things Scavenger Hunt
1.    Plastic toy with the colors orange, yellow, and green on it
2.   Two different size Tupperware dishes- each with its matching lid
3.   A prayer book
4.   A pair of nice church shoes that fit you (or almost fit you)
5.   A picture of a key (in a book or magazine)
6.   A sharpened pencil with a yellow eraser
7.   3 Lego pieces, not found in a bedroom (where they belong!)
8.   A photograph of you as a baby
9.   Something with the number 7 on it
10.A copy of a prayer you love
11.  A cell phone- new or old, real or toy
12. A star
13.  A boat
14. A hammer
15.     3 facts about St. Anthony of Padua
After our hunt we will have a special snack.  As I was doing my research to come up with a snack idea all I could find was to eat tongue for dinner.  Now, this would tie perfectly in with St. Anthony since he had an amazing gift for preaching.  And I found out that though his body is not incorrupt like many other saints, his tongue and vocal cords are!   Cool, huh?  But….. at my house, we do not eat tongue.  So, instead I have decided we will make smiley face cookies, with strawberry tongues sticking out-- a little more appetizing to my palate.  

I will post pictures later......

**UPDATE**--  Our celebration was a loads of fun!  Here are a couple pictures:

1 comment:

  1. very creative, Kari. love the list you came up with too!! thank you for your prayers for Jack and your comments.



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