Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lost in another world

          I started writing a short story a few weeks ago.  I usually concentrate my creative writing on bigger projects like novels.  I tend to have way too much to say to confine myself to just a few thousand words.  But, this time it seems to be working.   

          In fact, I am now at that point in the writing process when my thoughts are almost entirely wrapped up in my story.  My focus is on my characters and I am sort of walking around in a fog of my own life because my brain is in that other world.  

There is still so much editing and tweaking to do, and so, so little time to work on it all.  But, this is my favorite part of being a writer.  I love when my characters and their problems come so alive in my own mind that they start taking it over.  I love how the story begins to unfold and reveal itself with so little effort from me.  It is almost magical when, no matter how crazy my real life gets, I can take myself back to my story in just a spilt second and lose sight of my own frustrations and struggles by shifting my thoughts to the lives of my fictional friends.  I can’t help but revel in the joy of creating a new story, of getting to know people who exist only in my mind.  This is such a passion for me.  

There are times I suffer from writer’s block or from my own insecurities about my abilities.  Sometimes I think writing is too much trouble and maybe I should just quit.  But, then an idea will spark in my mind and take on a life of its own, and I am scrambling once again to find a minute to jot it all down……

Incidentally this is exactly how I felt when I was working on my novel, The Life I Dreamed.  If you are interested in reading the fruits of those labors, check it out here!


  1. How exciting, Kari! Good for you! I've never been much of a fictional writer...I've always tapped into my more analytical side. I wrote for the school newspaper and then, while working for U.S. Senator Kit Bond, I learned how to write press releases and news advisories. I could write a mean research paper for my Political Science professors and I loved teaching my 3rd graders the 6-Traits of Writing...but for some reason I just can't find my own "fictional' voice. Odd, huh?

    1. It is odd that you love to write but not fiction. I was on the newspaper staff in high school too, and the yearbook as well. I enjoyed that writing a lot but fiction is my favorite. It just grabs me like nothing else! But all writing is fun, and your experiences sound amazing.

  2. One of the most important things I've learned lately is to never let a moment of inspiration pass by, because I always lose about 70% of that original thought when I wait. I'll remember the big picture stuff, but that moment of inspiration includes all of the subtleties and connections and how it all plays nicely together.

    Trust your stuff. You're a good writer. :)

    Pete B

    1. Pete- I am sure I have lost at least 70% of my ideas because I get pulled away. That is why when it does all comes together it is so exciting and so much fun.

      Thanks for your kind words. Maybe some day we can collaborate on a project together!

  3. I love your comments Peter, very inspiring, honest and sweet!!!

  4. Kari,

    Oh you said that so well! I understand exactly what you mean. I love getting lost in that other world.

    1. It's magical in so many ways isn't it? :) And sharing it with others makes it even more exciting!



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